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Marie was my next volunteer for Lockdown Heroes. You can read below how she had to make some major changes like many of us have had to do.


photo collage of nhs worker outdoors

1. Name – Marie McNulty

2. Place of birth – Salford

3. Where you live now – Woodley Reading Berkshire

4. Occupation – Usually permanent makeup specialist /tattooist but since the start of lockdown have been working at local Tesco express in Woodley

5. How has the pandemic affected you and your family professionally and personally ?

Fortunately, myself and family have not had the virus. (Touch wood) but I have friends who believe they have, and I know two of people who have sadly passed away after succumbing to covid-19 this in itself has made this pandemic very real to me
My children have been affected by lack of routine but mainly being unable to see their friends and other family members (grandparents)
I have been very fortunate in securing a job at our local Tesco store. It’s given my days /weeks some structure, however having the children at home creates a lot of extra work there too. I miss my family and have also felt quite anxious about the unknown where this virus is concerned, and not being able to see an end to it.

studio portrait collage of nhs worker

6. If you were PM would you have done anything differently

I just feel we have all done so well for the initial 8 weeks in social distancing and abiding by the lockdown rules, but the next phases are being rushed and not enough information regarding the “next steps” have been provided, For example dates and exactly what is and is not acceptable, which has simply made some people adapt the rules to suit them. I think perhaps we were a little late to the party in bringing in lockdown and now I’m worried that the government are rushing the relaxation of the lockdown rules

7. Looking to the future do you think this pandemic will change the world for the good ?

Yes, we all seem to be much more hygienic and conscious of Hand washing etc.
I love that families have “had” to spend time together, where perhaps children hardly get to see one or both parents as they work, these memories will last a lifetime.
But mainly the sense of calm, and lack of pollution, almost healing of the world! People seeing the beauty in small simple things, the care of the community pulling together to ensure the elderly or infirm or those self isolating are safe and have all they need. Everyone being in the same position. I hope so much that we continue to take care of eachother and continue the kindness we have seen. We have all been in something so Crazy and almost feels unreal that we have to take our own little piece of calm and it would be amazing if we could all take one small thing and take it into every day life as it hopefully goes back to some kind of normal.

nhs worker collage of professional photo shoot

Thanks very much Marie for your honesty and for taking part, stay safe – Neil